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Amazing color
Ocijenjeno sa 5 od 5 zvijezdica.
I've got much more pigment and saturation than any other "blond" color. I must admit that blond wasn't my goal, a more coppery color. I mixed 100 grams of Sunrise Khadi with 50g of Moroccan red henna (African henna has more orange, warm undertone than Middle East henna, which is a more rosy or mahogany undertone) and got a great result on my light brown hair.
I have a coppery color with rich golden highlights, a very vibrant yet natural color, nothing crazy, just shiny, believable, beautiful color. It's written in the instructions to use 60-celsius water for mixing, but I recommend a higher temperature for achieving warm colors. I mixed it with boiling marigold tea (it helps to achieve golden tones) with a smaller amount of red, so it was a 2:1 ratio of Sunrise - Red color. From my experience, always mix higher water temperatures with henna powders if you want warmer colors and colder water with henna powders if you want cooler hues. For achieving warm colors, water for the mixture should be between boiling temperature and 80 celsius. So for cool shades, it should be around 60 celsius. That's my advice, and I hope it will be helpful.
I left the mixture overnight on my hair for approximately 6 hours. It wasn't my intention; I usually keep it for 3 hours but fall asleep. Be sure that the mixture is not too thick but neither runny; it should be like pudding (not like a soup or thin yogurt).
Go herbal! Cheers.
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